Object Oriented Analysis and Design

L1 Introduction to OOAD

L2 Concept of Generalization

L2 OOAD 1919-2023Basic Principles of Object Oriented System

L3 12-9-2023 Messages & Behaviour

L4 18-9-2023 Stage of Requirements Gathering in Software Development process

L5 25-9-2023 - Requirement analysis Use case modeling

L6 2-10-23 Activity Diagram


L8 17-10-2023 Online bookshop UML diagrams

L9 23-10-2023 Dynamic Model

L10 Package and component

L11 20-11-23 Deployment Diagram

L12 27-11-23 Software Requirements types

L13 21-11-23 data_flow_diagram_power

L 13-11-23 Class identification and class modeling

L14 27-11-23 SOLID

L15 28-11-2023 Data modeling vs object odeling - OR mapping introduction

L16 4-12-23 Relationships mapping

L17 4-12-23 mapping inheritance

L18 5-12-23 Coupling.pdf

L19 11-12-2023 Cohesion

L20 18-12-23 UI concepts and design process fundamentals

L21 19-12-23 Architecture Design

L 21-11-23 Modeling-object-dynamic-and-functional